Re-imagining professional experience...
Parr, Graham.

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  • Re-imagining professional experience in initial teacher education = narratives of learning /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Re-imagining professional experience in initial teacher education/ edited by Ange Fitzgerald, Graham Parr, Judy Williams.
    其他題名: narratives of learning /
    其他作者: Parr, Graham.
    出版者: Singapore :Springer Singapore : : 2018.,
    面頁冊數: xii, 213 p. :digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Chapter 1. Re-imagining professional experience in initial teacher education (Graham Parr) -- Chapter 2. Stories from the third space: Teacher educators' professional learning in a school/university partnership (Judy Williams) -- Chapter 3. Beyond classroom walls: How industry partnerships can strengthen pre-service literacy teachers' identities (Jane Kirby) -- Chapter 4. Building stronger teacher-education programs to prepare inclusive teachers (Sarah Hopkins) -- Chapter 5. Going remote: Narratives of learning on an Indigenous professional experience placement (Jennifer Rennie) -- Chapter 6. Mentoring practices and relationships during the EAL practicum in Australia: Contrasting narratives (Minh Hue Nguyen) -- Chapter 7. Generations of learning: A professional learning experience (John Pardy) -- Chapter 8. "What is finger knitting?" Chinese pre-service teachers' initial professional experience in Australian Early Childhood Education (Haoran Zheng) -- Chapter 9. Bringing the profession into university classrooms: Narratives of learning from co-teaching primary mathematics (Sharyn Livy) -- Chapter 10. Co-teaching as praxis in English initial teacher education (Graham Parr) -- Chapter 11. Back to the future: A journey of becoming a Professional Practice Consultant (Ondine Jayne Bradbury) -- Chapter 12. (Re)navigating the classroom as a teacher educator (Ange Fitzgerald)
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Teachers - Training of. -
    ISBN: 9789811308154
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