Feminist encounters with legal philo...
Drakopoulou, Maria.

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  • Feminist encounters with legal philosophy
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Feminist encounters with legal philosophy/ edited by Maria Drakopoulou.
    other author: Drakopoulou, Maria.
    Published: Abingdon, Oxon :Routledge, : 2013.,
    Description: 1 online resource (ix, 219 p.)
    [NT 15003449]: 1. Introduction : reading law reading women / Maria Drakopoulou -- 2. A voice beyond the law : reading Cavarero reading Plato / Patrick Hanafin -- 3. The sex of right reason : Aquinas and the misogynist foundations of natural law / Margaret Denike -- 4. The accidental feminist : on the Pythagorean roots of John Selden's Jani Anglorum / Peter Goodrich -- 5. Hobbes, unhealthy desires and freedom : a feminist reading / Janice Richardson -- 6. Samuel Pufendorf, feminism and the question of 'women and law' / Maria Drakopoulou -- 7. Blackstone, Bentham and the romance of law / Susan Chaplin -- 8. Hegel on law, women and contract / Alison Stone -- 9. Resonance : why feminists do/ought not read Kelsen / Panu Minkkinen -- 10. Legal form, commodities and reproduction : reading Pashukanis / Ruth Fletcher -- 11. Reading Arendt 'reading' Schmitt : reading nomos otherwise? / Julia H. Chryssostalis -- 12. Ambiguities : law, morality, and legal subjectivity in H. L. A. Hart's The concept of law / Emma Cunliffe.
    Subject: Feminism. -
    Online resource: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781135144791
    ISBN: 9781135144791 (e-book)
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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