New feminist perspectives on embodiment
Fischer, Clara.

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  • New feminist perspectives on embodiment
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: New feminist perspectives on embodiment/ edited by Clara Fischer, Luna Dolezal.
    other author: Fischer, Clara.
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2018.,
    Description: xiv, 252 p. :digital ;22 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: 1. Contested Terrains: New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment - Clara Fischer and Luna Dolezal -- 2. A Genealogy of Women's (Un)Ethical Bodies - Gail Weiss -- 3. The Normal Body: Female Bodies in Changing Contexts of Normalization and Optimization - Julia Jensen and Maren Wehrle -- 4. How Do We Respond? Embodied Vulnerability and Forms of Responsiveness - Danielle Petherbridge -- 5. Revisiting Feminist Matters in the Post-Linguistic Turn: John Dewey, New Materialisms, and Contemporary Feminist Thought - Clara Fischer -- 6. Feminist and Transgender Tensions: An Inquiry into History, Methodological Paradigms and Embodiment - Lanei M. Rodemeyer -- 7. Expressing the World: Merleau-Ponty and Feminist Debates on Nature/Culture - Kathleen Lennon -- 8. Are Women's Lives (Fully) Grievable? Gendered Framing and Sexual Violence - Dianna Taylor -- 9. Sex Trafficking, Reproductive Rights, and Sovereign Borders: A Transnational Struggle Over Women's Bodies - Diana Tietjens Meyers -- 10. Routine Unrecognized Sexual Violence in India - Namrata Mitra -- 11. Performing Pregnant: An Aesthetic Investigation of Pregnancy - EL Putnam -- 12. The Metaphors of Commercial Surrogacy: Rethinking the Materiality of Hospitality Through Pregnant Embodiment - Luna Dolezal.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Sexism. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783319723532
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