Volcanoes of the Azores = revealing ...
Kueppers, Ulrich.

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  • Volcanoes of the Azores = revealing the geological secrets of the Central Northern Atlantic Islands /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Volcanoes of the Azores/ edited by Ulrich Kueppers, Christoph Beier.
    Reminder of title: revealing the geological secrets of the Central Northern Atlantic Islands /
    other author: Kueppers, Ulrich.
    Published: Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg : : 2018.,
    Description: xv, 355 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Geology -- Ages of the Azores volcanoes -- Tectonic Evolution -- Formation of rift zones and calderas of the Azorean islands -- Stratigraphy of the Azores volcanoes -- Azores Eruption styles -- The top three outcrops per island -- Pyroclastic density currents -- Paleontology -- "Santa Maria" -- Geochemistry and Petrology -- Petrology of Azorean lavas -- Mantle sources radiogenic isotopes and trace elements -- Stable non-traditional isotopes -- Distribution of volatiles -- Peridotites in the Azores -- Geophyics -- Constraining the plate boundaries in the Azores -- Historic earthquakes and present-day activity -- Shallow geophysics -- Deep geophysics -- Tomographie -- Biogeochemistry, Fluids, Seeps -- Freshwater in the Azores -- Degassing in the Azores (subaerial and submarine) -- Biodiversity around active submarine volcanoes -- Volcanoes and Society -- Hazard assessment -- Monitoring techniques.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Volcanoes - Azores. -
    Online resource: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32226-6
    ISBN: 9783642322266
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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