Translational anatomy and cell biolo...
Schmeisser, Michael J.

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  • Translational anatomy and cell biology of Autism spectrum disorder
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Translational anatomy and cell biology of Autism spectrum disorder/ edited by Michael J. Schmeisser, Tobias M. Boeckers.
    其他作者: Schmeisser, Michael J.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2017.,
    面頁冊數: viii, 211 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Anatomy and cell biology of autism spectrum disorder: Lessons from human genetics -- Neuroanatomy and neuropathology of autism spectrum disorder in humans -- Modelling autistic neurons with induced pluripotent stem cells -- Modelling autistic features in mice using quantitative genetic approaches -- Behavioural phenotypes and neural circuit dysfunctions in mouse models of autism spectrum disorder -- Cerebellar and striatal pathologies in mouse models of autism spectrum disorder -- The role of neurotrophic factors in mouse models of autism spectrum disorder: focus on Bdnf and Igf-1 -- The role of the oxytocin/arginine vasopressin system in animal models of autism spectrum disorder -- Extracerebral dysfunction in animal models of autism spectrum disorder -- Genetic and pharmacological reversibility of phenotypes in mouse models of autism spectrum disorder.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Autism spectrum disorders - Molecular aspects. -
    ISBN: 9783319524986
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •