Dialectics and the sublime in Underh...
Gan, Peter Chong-Beng.

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  • Dialectics and the sublime in Underhill's Mysticism
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Dialectics and the sublime in Underhill's Mysticism/ by Peter Chong-Beng Gan.
    作者: Gan, Peter Chong-Beng.
    出版者: Singapore :Springer Singapore : : 2015.,
    面頁冊數: x, 243 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Preface and Acknowledgements -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- 1.1: Evelyn Underhill and her foundational text on mysticism -- 1.2: Mysticism: concept, approaches and the thrust of this study -- 1.3: Writings on and by Underhill -- 1.4: Procedure -- 1.5: The chapters -- 1.6: A note on gender pronouns -- Chapter 2: Being-Becoming -- 2.1: Introduction -- 2.2: Vitalism: transcendence in this world of flux -- 2.3: A general configuration of being, becoming and infinite being -- 2.4: Being and becoming and the mediating dialectic -- 2.5: Being and becoming and the individualizing dialectic -- 2.6: Transcendence and immanence and the being-becoming dialectics -- 2.7: Sublimity and the two forms of mystical transcendence -- 2.7.1: The sublime in transcendence as including-exceeding -- Experiencing divine reality as infinite -- Experiencing all finite beings as immersed in infinite reality -- 2.7.2: The sublime in transcendence as excluding -- 2.8: Chapter conclusion -- Chapter 3: Infinity-Finitude -- 3.1: Introduction -- 3.2: Talking about infinity -- 3.2.1: Potential and actual infinities: establishing the contention -- 3.2.2: A synthesis of potential and actual infinities -- 3.3: Dialectical trinity -- 3.3.1: Configuring the relational structure of the trinity -- 3.3.2: Hegel's infinity and trinity -- 3.4: The problem of objectivity in mystical intimacy -- 3.4.1: Trans subjectivism and mysticism -- 3.4.2: Objective idealism and mysticism -- 3.4.3: Tentative unitivism and mysticism -- 3.5: Chapter conclusion -- 4: Light-Darkness (I) -- 4.1: Introduction -- 4.2: A dialectical metaphor -- 4.2.1: Dialectical pairing -- 4.2.2: Dialectical procedure as negation of negation -- 4.3: Mysticism's stage development: an overview -- 4.4: The dawn of the mystical quest -- 4.4.1: Testimonials on awakening -- 4.4.2: Sublime awakening -- 4.5: The first transformative night -- 4.5.1: Detachment -- 4.5.2: Mortification -- 4.5.3: Dialectical incorporation, universal-particular dialectic, and sublimity -- 4.6: Illumination -- 4.7: Chapter conclusion -- Chapter 5: Light-Darkness (II) -- 5.1: Introduction -- 5.2: The second transformative night -- 5.2.1: Dark night and depression -- 5.2.2: Sublimity and the negation of negation -- 5.2.3: Darkness as emptiness -- 5.2.4: Oscillation and co-existence of light and darkness -- 5.2.5: Purification of sense and spirit -- 5.2.6: Mystical death -- 5.3: The Unitive Life -- 5.3.1: Experience of mystical union and the issue of the content of consciousness -- 5.3.2: Union experience versus identity experience -- 5.3.3: The enduring unitive life -- 5.4: Chapter conclusion -- Chapter 6: Conclusion -- 6.1: Sublime beauty and beautiful sublime -- 6.2: Overall summing-up and suggestions for future researches -- References -- Index.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Mysticism. -
    電子資源: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-484-9
    ISBN: 9789812874849 (electronic bk.)
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