Techniques for fostering collaborati...
Pozzi, Francesca, (1972-)

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  • Techniques for fostering collaboration in online learning communities = theoretical and practical perspectives /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Techniques for fostering collaboration in online learning communities/ Francesca Pozzi and Donatella Persico, editors.
    Reminder of title: theoretical and practical perspectives /
    other author: Pozzi, Francesca,
    Published: Hershey, Pa. :IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA), : 2011.,
    Description: electronic texts (339 p. : ill.) :digital files.
    [NT 15003449]: 1. Task, teams and time / Francesca Pozzi, Donatella Persico -- 2. Supporting virtual collaborative learning using collaboration scripts and content schemes / Birgitta Kopp, Heinz Mandl -- 3. Fostering collaborative problem solving by content schemes / Kathrin Helling, Bernhard Ertl -- 4. Using and acquiring shared and unshared knowledge in collaborative learning and writing / Aemilian Hron, Ulrike Cress, Sieglinde Neudert -- 5. Blending educational models to design blended activities / M. Ligorio, F. Loperfido, Nadia Sansone, Paola Spadaro -- 6. Models and strategies to support students' initial socialization in Web-based learning environments / Stefania Manca, Luca Vanin -- 7. Testing strategies to enhance online student collaboration in a problem-based learning activity / Lisa Lobry de Bruyn -- 8. Considerations for effective collaborative practice / Donna McGhie-Richmond, Eileen Winter -- 9. Using the four lenses of critical reflection to promote collaboration and support creative adaptations of Web 2.0 tools in an online environment / Katia Gonzalez-Acquaro, Stephen Preskill -- 10. Using role play and team teaching as strategies to add depth to online discussion / Ron Lombard, Barbara Biglan -- 11. Employing collaborative learning strategies and tools for engaging university students in collaborative study and writing / Thanasis Daradoumis, Maria Kordaki --
    [NT 15003449]: 12. The role of CSCL pedagogical patterns as mediating artefacts for repurposing open educational resources / Grainne Conole, Patrick McAndrew, Yannis Dimitriadis -- 13. Teaching routines to enhance collaboration using classroom network technology / Angela DeBarger, William Penuel, Christopher Harris, Patricia Schank -- 14. Assessing the performance of learners engaged in computer-supported collaborative problem-solving activities / Symeon Retalis, Ourania Petropoulou, Georgia Lazakidou -- 15. Implementing computer-interpretable CSCL scripts with embedded assessment / Eloy Villasclaras-Fernandez, Juan Asensio-Perez, Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Yannis Dimitriadis, Luis de la Fuente-Valentin, Alejandra Martinez-Mones -- 16. The support of virtual 3D worlds for enhancing collaboration in learning settings / Christian Gütl -- 17. From active reading to active dialogue / Cindy Xin, Geoffrey Glass, Andrew Feenberg, Eva Bures, Phil Abrami -- 18. Modeling, enacting, sharing and reusing online collaborative pedagogy with CeLS / Miky Ronen, Dan Kohen-Vacs.
    Subject: Internet in education. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781616929008 (ebook)
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