Clinical intensive care medicine
Gómez, Carlos M. H.

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  • Clinical intensive care medicine
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Clinical intensive care medicine/ edited by Carlos M.H. Gómez.
    其他作者: Gómez, Carlos M. H.
    出版者: New Jersey :Imperial College Press, : 2014.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    內容註: Foreword from the Series Editor; Foreword; Preface; List of Authors; 1 History of Intensive Care; References; 2 Cardiovascular Physiology; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Cardiac Cycle; 2.3 Ventricular Performance and the Determinants of Cardiac Output; 2.3.1 Ventricular preload; 2.3.2 Ventricular afterload; 2.3.3 Venticular contractility and stroke work; 2.3.4 Stroke volume; 2.3.5 Heart rate; 2.3.6 Ventricular interdependence; 2.4 Coronary Blood Flow; 2.5 Peripheral Circulation; 2.6 The Microcirculation; 2.7 Clinical Case; 2.7.1 What is the diagnosis?; 2.7.2 What next?
    內容註: 2.7.3 Lessons to learnReferences; 3 Respiratory Physiology; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Regulation of Respiration; 3.3 Mechanics of Ventilation; 3.4 Work of Breathing; 3.5 Ventilation-Perfusion; 3.6 Carbon Dioxide and Interpretation of Expired Alveolar Gas; 3.7 Blood Gases; 3.8 Physiological Effects of Positive-Pressure Ventilation; 3.8.1 Effects on the lungs; 3.8.2 Effects on surfactant; 3.8.3 Effect on the cardiovascular system; 3.8.4 Effect on lymphatics; 3.8.5 Effects on fluid balance; References; 4 Cellular Physiology in Critical Care; 4.1 Oxygen Delivery and Cellular Utilisation.
    內容註: 4.1.1 Mitochondria4.1.1.1 Energy transduction; The mitochondrial respiratory chain; 4.1.2 Control of cellular respiration; Nitric oxide; 4.1.3 Sepsis and mitochondria activity; 4.1.4 Mitochondrial inhibitors; Carbon monoxide; Alcohols; Cyanide; Propofol; Metformin; Statins; Nucleos(t)ide; 4.2 Cell Death in Critical Care; 4.2.1 Apoptosis; 4.2.2 Necrosis; 4.3 Conclusion; 4.4 Clinical Scenario; 4.4.1 History; 4.4.2 Investigations; 4.4.3 Progress; 4.4.4 Further progress; 4.4.5 Answers; References; 5 Cardiovascular Monitoring.
    內容註: 5.1 Purpose of Monitoring5.2 Clinical Examination and Non-Invasive Monitoring; 5.3 Pulse Oximetry; 5.4 Venous Saturations; 5.5 Pulmonary Artery Flotation Catheter; 5.6 Pulse Contour Analysis; 5.7 Oesophageal Doppler; 5.8 Echocardiography; 5.9 Current Approach to Monitoring the Critically Ill Patient; 5.10 Clinical Case; 5.10.1 Comment; References; 6 Vasoactive Agents; 6.1 Definitions; 6.2 The Pressure versus Flow Dilemma; 6.3 Tissue Oxygen Consumption and Supply; 6.3.1 Oxygen supply; 6.3.2 Oxygen consumption; 6.4 Vasodilators: Rationale and Current Treatments; 6.4.1 Nitrates.
    內容註: Glyceryl trinitrate6.4.1.2 Nitroprusside; 6.4.2 Nesiritide; 6.4.3 Nifedipine; 6.4.4 Nicardipine; 6.4.5 Esmolol; 6.4.6 Labetolol; 6.4.7 Hydralazine; 6.4.8 Phentolamine; 6.5 Vasoconstrictors: Rationale and Current Agents; 6.5.1 Noradrenaline; 6.5.2 Dopamine; 6.5.3 Adrenaline; 6.5.4 Vasopressin; 6.5.5 Phenylephrine; 6.5.6 Ephedrine; 6.5.7 Metaraminol; 6.6 Cardiac Output: Advantages and Disadvantages of Pharmacological Augmentation; 6.6.1 Adrenaline; 6.6.2 Dobutamine; 6.6.3 Dopexamine; 6.6.4 Dopamine; 6.6.5 Phosphodiesterase inhibitors; 6.6.6 Levosimendan; 6.6.7 Isoprenaline.
    標題: Critical care medicine. -
    ISBN: 9781848163898 (electronic bk.)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •