Clinical solutions and medical progr...
Biswas, Rakesh.

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  • Clinical solutions and medical progress through user-driven healthcare
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Clinical solutions and medical progress through user-driven healthcare/ Rakesh Biswas, editor.
    其他作者: Biswas, Rakesh.
    出版者: Hershey, Pa. :IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA), : c2013.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (148 p.) :ill.
    內容註: From compliance to concordance and beyond: rhetoric, reality and qualitative research / Daz Greenop, Katherine Thomas -- User driven psychiatry / Siju Oommen George, Samit Roy -- The voice of isotretinoin: a nightmare / David Elpern -- Caught in the middle: the divide between conventional and alternative medicine / Joan W. Young, Santosh Sapkota -- Securing health-effective medicine in practice: a critical perspective on user-driven healthcare / Rupert Whitaker -- DSS for health emergency response: a contextual, user-centred approach / Dimitris Oikonomou ... [et al.] -- The RTBP: collective intelligence driving health for the user / Nuwan Waidyanatha -- Health professional 'web based conversational learning' on unusual forms of lupus / David Elpern, Henry Foong -- The need to transform the core values of medical care and health organizations / Shaista Tayabali -- Addiction and drug dependence / Marjorie Kirkpatrick, Samit Roy -- Creating secondary learning resources from BMJ case reports through medical student conversational learning in a web based forum: a young man with fever and lymph node enlargement / Tamoghna Biswas ... [et al.] -- Creating secondary learning resources from web based conversational learning around 'rational usage of medicines' in diabetes / Yaron Bar Dayan ... [et al.] -- The Cochrane Students Journal Club and creating a secondary learning resource for gathering and appraising evidence: an example of rational use of medicines to prevent malaria relapse / Shivika Chandra, Naman K. Shah, Vasumathi Sriganesh.
    標題: Clinical medicine - Decision making. -
    ISBN: 9781466618770 (ebook)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •