Romanticism and Blackwood's magazine...
Morrison, Robert, (1961-)

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  • Romanticism and Blackwood's magazine = 'an unprecedented phenomenon' /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Romanticism and Blackwood's magazine/ edited by Robert Morrison, Daniel S. Roberts.
    Reminder of title: 'an unprecedented phenomenon' /
    other author: Morrison, Robert,
    Published: Basingstoke :Palgrave Macmillan, : 2013.,
    Description: 1 online resource.
    [NT 15003449]: 'A character so various, and yet so indisputably its own': A Passage to Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; R.Morrison & D.S.Roberts -- PART I: BLACKWOOD'S AND THE PERIODICAL PRESS -- Beginning Blackwood's: The Right Mix of Dulce and Utile; P.Flynn -- John Gibson Lockhart and Blackwood's: Shaping the Romantic Periodical Press; T.Richardson -- From Gluttony to Justified Sinning: Confessional Writing in Blackwood's and the London Magazine; D.Higgins -- Camaraderie and Conflict: De Quincey and Wilson on Enemy Lines; R.Morrison -- Selling Blackwood's Magazine, 1817-1834; D.Finkelstein -- PART II: BLACKWOOD'S CULTURE AND CRITICISM -- Blackwood's 'Personalities'; T.Mole -- Communal Reception, Mary Shelley, and the 'Blackwood's School' of Criticism; N.Mason -- Blackwoodian Allusion and the Culture of Miscellaneity; D.Stewart -- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine in the Scientific Culture of Early Nineteenth-Century Edinburgh; W.Christie -- The Art and Science of Politics in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, c. 1817-1841; D.Kelly -- Prosing Poetry: Blackwood's and Generic Transposition, 1820-1840; J.Camlot -- PART III: BLACKWOOD'S FICTIONS -- Blackwood's and the Boundaries of the Short Story; T.Killick -- The Edinburgh of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine and James Hogg's Fiction; G.Hughes -- 'The Taste for Violence in Blackwood's Magazine'; M.Schoenfield -- PART IV: BLACKWOOD'S AT HOME -- John Wilson and Regency Authorship; R.Cronin -- John Wilson and Sport; J.Strachan -- William Maginn and the Blackwood's 'Preface' of 1826; D.E.Latan, Jr. -- All Work and All Play: Felicia Hemans's Edinburgh Noctes; N.Sweet -- PART V: BLACKWOOD'S ABROAD -- Imagining India in Early Blackwood's; D.S.Roberts -- Tales of the Colonies: Blackwood's, Provincialism, and British Interests Abroad; A.Jarrells.
    Subject: Romanticism. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781137303851 (electronic bk.)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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