Century-scale records of coral growt...
Carilli, Jessica Elizabeth.

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  • Century-scale records of coral growth and water quality from the Mesoamerican Reef reveal increasing anthropogenic stress and decreasing coral resilience.
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Century-scale records of coral growth and water quality from the Mesoamerican Reef reveal increasing anthropogenic stress and decreasing coral resilience./
    Author: Carilli, Jessica Elizabeth.
    Description: 171 p.
    Notes: Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-09, Section: B, page: 5354.
    Contained By: Dissertation Abstracts International70-09B.
    Subject: Biology, Oceanography. -
    Online resource: http://pqdd.sinica.edu.tw/twdaoapp/servlet/advanced?query=3378082
    ISBN: 9781109399462
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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