Languages and the military = allianc...
Footitt, Hilary.

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  • Languages and the military = alliances, occupation and peace building /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Languages and the military/ edited by Hilary Footitt, Michael Kelly.
    Reminder of title: alliances, occupation and peace building /
    other author: Footitt, Hilary.
    Published: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ;Palgrave Macmillan, : 2012.,
    [NT 15003449]: Preface -- Notes on Contributors -- Introduction: Languages and the Military: Alliances, Occupation and Peace-Building; H.Footitt -- One Army, Many Languages: Foreign Troops and Linguistic Diversity in the Eighteenth-Century French Military; C.Tozzi -- 'Amidst Clamour and Confusion': Civilian and Military Linguists at War in the Franco-Irish Campaigns Against Britain (1792{esc}b6{esc}s1804); S.Kleinman -- Fighting Together: Language Issues in the Military Coordination of First World War Allied Coalition Warfare; F.Heimburger -- Languages at War: a UK Ministry of Defence Perspective; J.Lewis -- The Language Policy of the Italian Army in the Occupied Slovenian Territories, 1915{esc}b6{esc}s17; P.Svolj{esc}b({esc}sak -- Mediating for the Third Reich: On Military Translation Cultures in World War II in Northern Finland; P.Kuja{tilde}mki -- When Bosnia was a Commonwealth Country: British Forces and Their Interpreters in Republika Srpska, 1995{esc}b6{esc}s2007; C.Baker -- A Bilingual Officer Remembers Korea: a Closer Look at Untrained Interpreters in the Korean War; M.M.F.{grave}Snchez -- Victims of War: Refugees' First Contacts with the British in the Second World War; S.Tobia -- Jailtacht: the Irish Language and the Conflict in Northern Ireland; D.M.G.Ch{rcommaa}rost -- The AIIC Project to Help Interpreters in Conflict Areas; L.Fitchett -- Learning the Language of 'The Other' in Conflict-Ridden Cyprus: Exploring Barriers and Possibilities; C.Charalambous -- Resolving Conflict via English: the British Council's Peacekeeping English Project; P.Hare & N.Fletcher -- Did Serbo-Croat Die with Yugoslavia?: a Different View of Language and Identity in Bosnia-Herzegovina; L.Askew -- Exhibiting the 'Foreign' in a National Museum: Imperial War Museum London and Languages at War; J.Taylor -- Conclusion: Communication, Identity and Representation Through Languages in War; M.Kelly -- Index -- --.
    Subject: Communications, Military - Case studies. -
    Online resource: electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    ISBN: 9781137033086 (electronic bk.)
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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