Knowledge management - Congresses.
Works: | 103 works in 58 publications in 58 languages |
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2003 : = Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20-23, 2003 : proceedings /
(Language materials, printed)
The semantic Web-ISWC 2002 : = First International Semantic Web Conference, Sardinia, Italy, June 9-12, 2002 : proceedings /
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Agent-mediated knowledge management : = international symposium AMKM 2003, Stanford, CA, USA, March 24-26, 2003 : revised and invited papers /
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Emerging technologies and information systems for the knowledge society = First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2008, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008 : proceedings/
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Practical aspects of knowledge management = 7th international conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan, November 22-23, 2008, proceedings /
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Web knowledge management and decision support = 14th International Conference on Applications of Prolog, INAP 2001, Tokyo, Japan, October 20-22, 2001 : revised papers /
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Data analytics and management in data intensive domains = XIX International Conference, DAMDID/RCDL 2017, Moscow, Russia, October 10-13, 2017 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge management and acquisition for intelligent systems = 15th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2018, Nanjing, China, August 28-29, 2018 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge management in organizations = 12th International Conference, KMO 2017, Beijing, China, August 21-24, 2017 : proceedings /
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New trends in model and data engineering = MEDI 2019 International Workshops, DETECT, DSSGA, TRIDENT, Toulouse, France, October 28-31, 2019 : proceedings /
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Recent trends in decision science and management = proceedings of ICDSM 2019 /
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Knowledge science, engineering and management = 14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 14-16, 2021 : proceedings.. Part II /
(Electronic resources)
Data analytics and management in data intensive domains = 23rd International Conference, DAMDID/RCDL 2021, Moscow, Russia, October 26-29, 2021 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 15th International Conference, KSEM 2022, Singapore, August 6-8, 2022 : proceedings.. Part I /
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Knowledge science, engineering and management = 15th International Conference, KSEM 2022, Singapore, August 6-8, 2022 : proceedings.. Part II /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 15th International Conference, KSEM 2022, Singapore, August 6-8, 2022 : proceedings.. Part III /
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Model and data engineering = 11th International Conference, MEDI 2022, Cairo, Egypt, November 21-24, 2022 : proceedings /
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Collaborative business ecosystems and virtual enterprises : = IFIP TC5/WG5.5 third Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE'02) May 1-3, 2002, Sesimbra, Portugal /
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Technology, knowledge and the firm : = implications for strategy and industrial change /
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People, knowledge and technology : = what have we learnt so far? : proceedings of the first iKMS International Conference on Knowledge Management, Singapore, 13-15 December 2004 /
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Knowledge management in electronic government = 5th IFIP International Working Conference, KMGov 2004, Krems, Austria, May 17-19, 2004 : proceedings /
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Journal or organizational computing and electronic commerce.. [Vol. 11.; No. 3]
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Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management = 15th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP 2004, and 18th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2004, Potsdam, Germany, March 4-6, 2004 : revised selected papers /
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The Semantic Web: Research and Applications = Second European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2005, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29--June 1, 2005, Proceedings /
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The Semantic Web - ISWC 2005 : = 4th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2005, Galway, Ireland, November 6-10, 2005, Proceedings
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Professional Knowledge Management : = Third Biennial Conference, WM 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 10-13, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
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Knowledge Management = Organizational and Technological Dimensions /
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Knowledge management : = organizational and technological dimensions /
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Pervasive Collaborative Networks = IFIP TC 5 WG 5.5 Ninth Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES, September 8-10, 2008, Poznan, Poland /
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Knowledge management in electronic government = 4th IFIP international working conference, KMGov 2003, Rhodes, Greece, May 26-28, 2003 : proceedings /
(Language materials, printed)
The Semantic Web, ISWC 2003 = Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20-23, 2003 : proceedings /
(Language materials, printed)
Virtual enterprises and collaborative networks = IFIP 18th World Computer Congress : TC5/WG5.5 - 5th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France /
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Knowledge management in electronic government = 5th IFIP International Working Conference, KMGov 2004, Krems, Austria, May 17-19, 2004 : proceedings /
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Practical aspects of knowledge management = 5th international conference, PAKM 2004, Vienna, Austria, December 2-3, 2004, proceedings /
(Language materials, printed)
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2004 = Third International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-11, 2004 : proceedings /
(Language materials, printed)
Data analytics and management in data intensive domains = XVIII International Conference, DAMDID/RCDL 2016, Ershovo, Moscow, Russia, October 11 -14, 2016 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Mining intelligence and knowledge exploration = 4th International Conference, MIKE 2016, Mexico City, Mexico, November 13 - 19, 2016 : revised selected papers /
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Knowledge engineering and knowledge management = EKAW 2016 Satellite Events, EKM and Drift-an-LOD, Bologna, Italy, November 19-23, 2016 : revised selected papers /
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Proceedings of the 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference = ABRIC2016 /
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Knowledge management in organizations = 13th International Conference, KMO 2018, Zilina, Slovakia, August 6-10, 2018, Proceedings /
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Knowledge management in organizations = 14th International Conference, KMO 2019, Zamora, Spain, July 15-18, 2019 : proceedings /
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Artificial intelligence for knowledge management = 6th IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop, AI4KM 2018, held at IJCAI 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 15, 2018 : revised and extended selected papers /
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Knowledge management and acquisition for intelligent systems = 17th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2020, Yokohama, Japan, January 7-8, 2021 : proceedings /
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Data analytics and management in data intensive domains = 22nd International Conference, DAMDID/RCDL 2020, Voronezh, Russia, October 13-16, 2020 : selected proceedings /
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Knowledge management in organizations = 15th International Conference, KMO 2021, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 20-22, 2021 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge management and acquisition for intelligent systems = 16th Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2019, Cuvu, Fiji, August 26-27, 2019 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 12th International Conference, KSEM 2019, Athens, Greece, August 28-30, 2019 : proceedings.. Part II /
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Model and data engineering = 9th International Conference, MEDI 2019, Toulouse, France, October 28-31, 2019 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Artificial intelligence for knowledge management = 8th IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop, AI4KM 2021, held at IJCAI 2020, Yokohama, Japan, January 7-8, 2021 : revised selected papers /
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Model and Data Engineering = 10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21-23, 2021 : proceedings /
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Advances in human factors, business management and leadership = proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, and Human Factors in Management and Leadership, July 25-29, 2021, USA /
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Advances in model and data engineering in the digitalization era = MEDI 2021 international workshops: DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21-23, 2021 : proceedings /
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PRICAI 2021 = trends in artificial intelligence : 18th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 8-12, 2021 : proceedings.. Part I /
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Knowledge science, engineering and management = 13th International Conference, KSEM 2020, Hangzhou, China, August 28-30, 2020 : proceedings.. Part II /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 13th International Conference, KSEM 2020, Hangzhou, China, August 28-30, 2020 : proceedings.. Part I /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in human factors, business management and leadership = proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, and Human Factors in Management and Leadership, July 16-20, 2020, USA /
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Knowledge science, engineering and management = 14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 14-16, 2021 : proceedings.. Part III /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 14-16, 2021 : proceedings.. Part I /
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Machine learning and knowledge extraction = 6th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 23-26, 2022 : proceedings /
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Knowledge management in organisations = 17th International Conference, KMO 2023, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24-27, 2023 : proceedings /
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Knowledge discovery, knowledge engineering and knowledge management = 13th International Joint Conference, IC3K 2021, virtual event, October 25-27, 2021 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge discovery, knowledge engineering and knowledge management = 14th International Joint Conference, IC3K 2022, Valletta, Malta, October 24-26, 2022 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge management and acquisition for intelligent systems = 19th Principle and Practice of Data and Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 15-16, 2023 : proceedings /
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Knowledge management in organisations = 16th International Conference, KMO 2022, Hagen, Germany, July 11-14, 2022 : proceedings /
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Model and data engineering = 12th International Conference, MEDI 2023, Sousse, Tunisia, November 2-4, 2023 : proceedings /
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Advances in information systems, artificial intelligence and knowledge management = 6th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Systems, ICIKS 2023, Portsmouth, UK, June 22-23, 2023 : proceedings /
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Knowledge management in organisations = 18th International Conference, KMO 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29 - August 1, 2024 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 16th International Conference, KSEM 2023, Guangzhou, China, August 16-18, 2023 : proceedings.. Part IV /
(Electronic resources)
Virtual enterprises and collaborative networks = IFIP 18th World Computer Congress : TC5/WG5.5-5th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France /
(Language materials, printed)
Agent-mediated knowledge management = international symposium AMKM 2003, Stanford, CA, USA, March 24-26, 2003 : revised and invited papers /
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Technology, knowledge and the firm = implications for strategy and industrial change /
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Knowledge Management In Action = IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, Conference on Knowledge Management in Action, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy /
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Scaling Topic Maps = Third International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications, TMRA 2007 Leipzig, Germany, October 11-12, 2007 Revised Selected Papers /
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Applications of declarative programming and knowledge management = 17th international conference, INAP 2007, and 21st Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2007, Wurzburg, Germany, October 4-6, 2007 ; revised selected papers/
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Practical aspects of knowledge management = 4th international conference, PAKM 2002, Vienna, Austria, December 2-3, 2002 : proceedings /
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The semantic Web-ISWC 2002 = First International Semantic Web Conference, Sardinia, Italy, June 9-12, 2002 : proceedings /
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Intelligent computer mathematics = 10th International Conference, AISC 2010, 17th Symposium, Calculemus 2010, and 9th International Conference, MKM 2010, Paris, France, July 5-10, 2010 : proceedings/
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Model and data engineering = 6th International Conference, MEDI 2016, Almeria, Spain, September 21-23, 2016 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Model and data engineering = 7th International Conference, MEDI 2017, Barcelona, Spain, October 4-6, 2017 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Artificial intelligence for knowledge management = 5th IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop, AI4KM 2017, held at IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 20, 2017 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Artificial intelligence for knowledge management = 7th IFIP WG 12.6 International Workshop, AI4KM 2019, held at IJCAI 2019, Macao, China, August 11, 2019 : revised selected papers /
(Electronic resources)
Information and knowledge systems = digital technologies, artificial intelligence and decision making : 5th International Conference, ICIKS 2021, virtual event, June 22-23, 2021 : proceedings /
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge science, engineering and management = 16th International Conference, KSEM 2023, Guangzhou, China, August 16-18, 2023 : proceedings.. Part I /
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