World Bank discussion papers.

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china's reform experience to date /
china's reform experience to date /
agriculture, poverty, and policy ref...
agriculture, poverty, and policy reform in sub-saharan africa
structural aspects of manufacturing ...
structural aspects of manufacturing in sub-saharan africa
making the transition work for women...
making the transition work for women in europe and central asia
procurement and disbursement manual ...
procurement and disbursement manual for projects with community participation
sino-japanese economic relationships :
sino-japanese economic relationships :
africa can compete!
africa can compete!
impact of the uruguay round on africa
impact of the uruguay round on africa
development of rural financial marke...
development of rural financial markets to sub-saharan africa
macroeconomic management in china
macroeconomic management in china
projectizing the governance approach...
projectizing the governance approach to civil service reform
governance approach to civil service...
governance approach to civil service reform in sub-saharan africa
small enterprises adjusting to liber...
small enterprises adjusting to liberalization in five african countries
poverty reduction in east asia
poverty reduction in east asia
developing mongolia /
developing mongolia /
korean industrial policy :
korean industrial policy :
assessment of vulnerable groups in m...
assessment of vulnerable groups in mongolia :
poverty reduction in east asia :
poverty reduction in east asia :
why educational policies can fail
why educational policies can fail
seed systems in sub-saharan africa
seed systems in sub-saharan africa