china's reform experience to date /
china's reform experience to date /
export catalysts in low-income count...
export catalysts in low-income countries :
case-by-case privatization in the ru...
case-by-case privatization in the russian federation
public expenditure reform under adju...
public expenditure reform under adjustment lending :
japanese national railways privatiza...
japanese national railways privatization study :
land reform in ukraine
financing of private hydropower projects
financing of private hydropower projects
russian trade policy reform for wto ...
russian trade policy reform for wto accession
east asian corporations
east asian miracle and information t...
east asian miracle and information technology
contributions of infrastructure to e...
contributions of infrastructure to economic development
china :
agriculture, poverty, and policy ref...
agriculture, poverty, and policy reform in sub-saharan africa
management and resolution of banking...
management and resolution of banking crises
commercial bank's microfinance program
commercial bank's microfinance program
land reform and farm restructuring i...
land reform and farm restructuring in ukraine
financing health services through us...
financing health services through user fees and insurance
economic integration and trade liber...
economic integration and trade liberalization in southern africa
demand for oil products in developin...
demand for oil products in developing countries
structural aspects of manufacturing ...
structural aspects of manufacturing in sub-saharan africa