analysis of ordinal categorical data
analysis of ordinal categorical data
time series analysis :
design and analysis of clinical trials
design and analysis of clinical trials
survey nonresponse /
analysis of health surveys /
analysis of health surveys /
experiments with mixtures :
experiments with mixtures :
statistical methods for reliability ...
statistical methods for reliability data /
dirichlet and related distributions :
dirichlet and related distributions :
multivariable model-building
multivariable model-building
latent variable models and factor an...
latent variable models and factor analysis :
loss models
extremes in random fields
extremes in random fields
introduction to imprecise probabilit...
introduction to imprecise probabilities /
fundamentals of queueing theory
fundamentals of queueing theory
loss models :
design and analysis of clinical trials :
design and analysis of clinical trials :
time series analysis :
regression with social data :
regression with social data :
nonparametric regression methods for...
nonparametric regression methods for longitudinal data analysis :