verguisd en vergeten :
smallholders and stockbreeders :
smallholders and stockbreeders :
het geheim van paleis kneuterdijk :
het geheim van paleis kneuterdijk :
kruidnagelen en christenen :
kruidnagelen en christenen :
commodities and colonialism :
commodities and colonialism :
king of the waters :
christianity, colonization, and gend...
christianity, colonization, and gender relations in north sumatra :
forests of fortune? :
kraton and kumpeni :
van batavia naar weltevreden :
van batavia naar weltevreden :
lords of the land, lords of the sea :
lords of the land, lords of the sea :
minorities, modernity and the emergi...
minorities, modernity and the emerging nation :
shallow waters, rising tide :
shallow waters, rising tide :
lion and the gadfly :
images of the tropics :
sonic modernities in the malay world :
sonic modernities in the malay world :
peasants' revolt of banten in 1888 :
peasants' revolt of banten in 1888 :
extremes in the archipelago :
extremes in the archipelago :
variation, transformation and meaning :
variation, transformation and meaning :
multiple centres of authority :
multiple centres of authority :