primer of ecology with r /
primer of ecology with r /
bayesian computation with r
bayesian computation with r
analysis of phylogenetics and evolut...
analysis of phylogenetics and evolution with r
six sigma with r
data wrangling with r
simulation and inference for stochas...
simulation and inference for stochastic processes with yuima
graphical models with r
magnetic resonance brain imaging
magnetic resonance brain imaging
r for marketing research and analytics
r for marketing research and analytics
political analysis using r
political analysis using r
wavelet methods in statistics with r
wavelet methods in statistics with r
learn ggplot2 using shiny app
learn ggplot2 using shiny app
introductory time series with r
introductory time series with r
modeling dose-response microarray da...
modeling dose-response microarray data in early drug development experiments using r
xml and web technologies for data sc...
xml and web technologies for data sciences with r
modern optimization with r
modern optimization with r
analysis of integrated and cointegra...
analysis of integrated and cointegrated time series with r