Undergraduate texts in mathematics.

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combinatorics and graph theory /
combinatorics and graph theory /
real mathematical analysis
real mathematical analysis
difference equations :
difference equations :
glimpses of algebra and geometry /
glimpses of algebra and geometry /
applied linear algebra and matrix an...
applied linear algebra and matrix analysis
first steps in differential geometry :
first steps in differential geometry :
mathematics of finance
mathematics of finance
finite markov chains /
finite markov chains /
introduction to the mathematics of f...
introduction to the mathematics of finance
rational points on elliptic curves
rational points on elliptic curves
real analysis
real analysis
invitation to abstract mathematics
invitation to abstract mathematics
readable introduction to real mathem...
readable introduction to real mathematics
introduction to mathematical cryptog...
introduction to mathematical cryptography
first course in differential equations
first course in differential equations
pleasures of probability /
pleasures of probability /
linear algebra done right
linear algebra done right
real and convex analysis /
real and convex analysis /
analysis by its history
analysis by its history
introduction to wavelets through lin...
introduction to wavelets through linear algebra /