Trends in mathematics

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geometric methods in physics :
geometric methods in physics :
representation theory and algebraic ...
representation theory and algebraic geometry
geometric methods in physics xxxvi
geometric methods in physics xxxvi
analysis of pseudo-differential oper...
analysis of pseudo-differential operators
hypercomplex analysis and applications
hypercomplex analysis and applications
stochastic and infinite dimensional ...
stochastic and infinite dimensional analysis
diophantine analysis
diophantine analysis
sequences, groups, and number theory
sequences, groups, and number theory
new frontiers in number theory and a...
new frontiers in number theory and applications
analysis meets geometry
analysis meets geometry
positivity and noncommutative analysis
positivity and noncommutative analysis
pseudo-differential operators
pseudo-differential operators
advances in commutative algebra
advances in commutative algebra
algebra, analysis, modelling and opt...
algebra, analysis, modelling and optimization
modern problems in pdes and applications
modern problems in pdes and applications
extended abstracts spring 2015
extended abstracts spring 2015
nonlinear analysis
nonlinear analysis
algebraic cycles, sheaves, shtukas, ...
algebraic cycles, sheaves, shtukas, and moduli :
differential equations with symbolic...
differential equations with symbolic computation
new trends in analysis and interdisc...
new trends in analysis and interdisciplinary applications