Translations of mathematical monographs ;

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introduction to algebraic curves /
introduction to algebraic curves /
multidimensional residues and their ...
multidimensional residues and their applications /
knots, links, braids and 3-manifolds :
knots, links, braids and 3-manifolds :
index theorem 1 /
index theorem 1 /
convolution equations and projection...
convolution equations and projection methods for their solution /
introduction to the theory of entire...
introduction to the theory of entire functions of several variables /
interpolation of linear operators /
interpolation of linear operators /
additive theory of prime numbers /
additive theory of prime numbers /
statistical decision rules and optim...
statistical decision rules and optimal inference /
theory of commutative fields /
theory of commutative fields /
topology of function spaces and the ...
topology of function spaces and the calculus of variations in the large /
partial differential operators of el...
partial differential operators of elliptic type /
bendings of surfaces and stability o...
bendings of surfaces and stability of shells /
problems and theorems in linear alge...
problems and theorems in linear algebra /
theory of entire and meromorphic fun...
theory of entire and meromorphic functions :
kleinian groups and uniformization i...
kleinian groups and uniformization in examples and problems /
compact lie groups and their represe...
compact lie groups and their representations /
algebraic analysis of singular pertu...
algebraic analysis of singular perturbation theory /
hyperbolic partial differential equa...
hyperbolic partial differential equations and wave phenomena /
decomposition of random variables an...
decomposition of random variables and vectors /