Texts in Computer Science

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2 3 4
programming challenges
programming challenges
introduction to constraint databases
introduction to constraint databases
ethical and social issues in the inf...
ethical and social issues in the information age
foundational java
foundational java
animated problem solving
animated problem solving
fundamentals of predictive text mining
fundamentals of predictive text mining
elements of computation theory
elements of computation theory
guide to computer network security
guide to computer network security
digital image processing
digital image processing
computational intelligence :
computational intelligence :
integrated approach to software engi...
integrated approach to software engineering
computational intelligence
computational intelligence
animated program design
animated program design
computer vision
computer vision
practical introduction to computer a...
practical introduction to computer architecture
introduction to intelligent surveillance
introduction to intelligent surveillance
fundamentals of predictive text mining
fundamentals of predictive text mining
guide to discrete mathematics
guide to discrete mathematics
computer vision
computer vision
guide to graph colouring
guide to graph colouring