modeling survival data :
logistic regression
survival and event history analysis
survival and event history analysis
statistical analysis of functional m...
statistical analysis of functional mri data
analysing ecological data /
analysing ecological data /
applying quantitative bias analysis ...
applying quantitative bias analysis to epidemiologic data
statistical methods in bioinformatics :
statistical methods in bioinformatics :
logistic regression
statistical methods in molecular evo...
statistical methods in molecular evolution
analysis of gene expression data :
analysis of gene expression data :
regression methods in biostatistics :
regression methods in biostatistics :
forecasting product liability claims :
forecasting product liability claims :
logistic regression
regression methods in biostatistics
regression methods in biostatistics
survival analysis
likelihood, bayesian and mcmc method...
likelihood, bayesian and mcmc methods in quantitative genetics
cancer mortality and morbidity patte...
cancer mortality and morbidity patterns in the u.s. population
design and analysis of vaccine studies
design and analysis of vaccine studies
survival analysis :
statistical applications for chemist...
statistical applications for chemistry, manufacturing and controls (cmc) in the pharmaceutical industry