Statistics for Biology and Health,

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survival and event history analysis
survival and event history analysis
applying quantitative bias analysis ...
applying quantitative bias analysis to epidemiologic data
statistical analysis of functional m...
statistical analysis of functional mri data
logistic regression
logistic regression
statistical methods in molecular evo...
statistical methods in molecular evolution
regression methods in biostatistics
regression methods in biostatistics
cancer mortality and morbidity patte...
cancer mortality and morbidity patterns in the u.s. population
design and analysis of vaccine studies
design and analysis of vaccine studies
statistical applications for chemist...
statistical applications for chemistry, manufacturing and controls (cmc) in the pharmaceutical industry
analysis of genetic association studies
analysis of genetic association studies
applied multivariate statistics with r
applied multivariate statistics with r
regression methods in biostatistics
regression methods in biostatistics
statistical design and analysis of b...
statistical design and analysis of biological experiments
applying quantitative bias analysis ...
applying quantitative bias analysis to epidemiologic data
applied mathematical demography
applied mathematical demography
bayesian methods in structural bioin...
bayesian methods in structural bioinformatics
fundamentals of modern statistical g...
fundamentals of modern statistical genetics
nonclinical statistics for pharmaceu...
nonclinical statistics for pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries
mixed effects models and extensions ...
mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with r