electron-beam interactions with solids :
electron-beam interactions with solids :
fundamental physics in particle traps
fundamental physics in particle traps
debye screening length
heavily-doped 2d-quantized structure...
heavily-doped 2d-quantized structures and the einstein relation
multidimensional periodic schrodinge...
multidimensional periodic schrodinger operator
symmetries in atomic nuclei
symmetries in atomic nuclei
growth processes and surface phase e...
growth processes and surface phase equilibria in molecular beam epitaxy /
nonlinear optics of random media
nonlinear optics of random media
femtosecond real-time spectroscopy o...
femtosecond real-time spectroscopy of small molecules and clusters
dispersion forces ii
evolution of silicon sensor technolo...
evolution of silicon sensor technology in particle physics
transport of energetic electrons in ...
transport of energetic electrons in solids
progress in planar optical waveguides
progress in planar optical waveguides
transverse-pattern formation in phot...
transverse-pattern formation in photorefractive optics
quantum information :
electronic quantum transport in meso...
electronic quantum transport in mesoscopic semiconductor structures
three-dimensional x-ray diffraction ...
three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy
flavor physics and the tev scale
flavor physics and the tev scale
resonant x-ray scattering in correla...
resonant x-ray scattering in correlated systems
einstein's photoemission