introduction to nonparametric estimation
introduction to nonparametric estimation
semiparametric and nonparametric met...
semiparametric and nonparametric methods in econometrics
spatial statistics and modeling
spatial statistics and modeling
permutation, parametric and bootstra...
permutation, parametric and bootstrap tests of hypotheses
inference in hidden markov models
inference in hidden markov models
statistical foundations, reasoning a...
statistical foundations, reasoning and inference
ten projects in applied statistics
ten projects in applied statistics
modeling discrete time-to-event data
modeling discrete time-to-event data
weak convergence and empirical processes
weak convergence and empirical processes
comparison of the bayesian and frequ...
comparison of the bayesian and frequentist approaches to estimation
elements of statistical learning
elements of statistical learning
information criteria and statistical...
information criteria and statistical modeling
vector generalized linear and additi...
vector generalized linear and additive models
comparing distributions
design of observational studies
design of observational studies
markov bases in algebraic statistics
markov bases in algebraic statistics
bayesian nonparametric data analysis
bayesian nonparametric data analysis
linear models and generalizations
linear models and generalizations
introduction to empirical processes ...
introduction to empirical processes and semiparametric inference