Selected topics in electronics and systems ;

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gan-based materials and devices :
gan-based materials and devices :
advanced high speed devices
advanced high speed devices
nanotechnology for electronics, bios...
nanotechnology for electronics, biosensors, additive manufacturing and emerging systems applications
frontiers in electronics
frontiers in electronics
quantum-based electronic devices and...
quantum-based electronic devices and systems /
wide bandgap semiconductor electroni...
wide bandgap semiconductor electronics and devices
gan-based materials and devices
gan-based materials and devices
nanotechnology in electronics, photo...
nanotechnology in electronics, photonics, biosensors and energy systems
frontiers in electronics
frontiers in electronics
fundamental & applied problems of te...
fundamental & applied problems of terahertz devices and technologies
nanotechnology for electronics, phot...
nanotechnology for electronics, photonics, biosensors, and emerging technologies
high performance materials and devic...
high performance materials and devices for high-speed electronic systems
scaling and integration of high-spee...
scaling and integration of high-speed electronics and optomechanical systems
quantum dots /
quantum dots /
nanotubes and nanowires
nanotubes and nanowires
advanced semiconductor devices
advanced semiconductor devices