SUNY series in the philosophy of the social sciences

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beyond friendship and eros
beyond friendship and eros
participating citizen :
participating citizen :
ricoeur's critical theory
ricoeur's critical theory
magic mirror :
magic mirror :
mapping reality
mapping reality
woodcutters and witchcraft
woodcutters and witchcraft
rethinking knowledge :
rethinking knowledge :
merleau-ponty and environmental phil...
merleau-ponty and environmental philosophy :
marx, hayek, and utopia
marx, hayek, and utopia
between reason and history
between reason and history
art, alienation, and the humanities :
art, alienation, and the humanities :
articulated experiences
articulated experiences
primal scenes of communication
primal scenes of communication
primal scenes of communication :
primal scenes of communication :
magic mirror
magic mirror
kindness and the good society
kindness and the good society
experiences between philosophy and c...
experiences between philosophy and communication
idolatry of the actual
idolatry of the actual