SUNY series in psychoanalysis and culture

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
signifying pain
signifying pain
quiet as it's kept
quiet as it's kept
remaking the frankenstein myth on film :
remaking the frankenstein myth on film :
ethical dimension of psychoanalysis
ethical dimension of psychoanalysis
hitchcock's bi-textuality
hitchcock's bi-textuality
levinas and lacan :
levinas and lacan :
later lacan :
later lacan :
shelley's mirrors of love
shelley's mirrors of love
french fairy tales
french fairy tales
literary trauma :
literary trauma :
rereading george eliot
rereading george eliot
reading seminar.
reading seminar.
five lessons on the psychoanalytic t...
five lessons on the psychoanalytic theory of jacques lacan
post-jungian criticism
post-jungian criticism
reading seminar xx
reading seminar xx
writing prejudices
writing prejudices
remaking the frankenstein myth on film
remaking the frankenstein myth on film
reading seminars.
reading seminars.
reading seminar.
reading seminar.
subject of lacan
subject of lacan