SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture

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taoist meditation
taoist meditation
all under heaven
all under heaven
centrality and commonality
centrality and commonality
law and morality in ancient china
law and morality in ancient china
epistemological issues in classical ...
epistemological issues in classical chinese philosophy
way, learning, and politics
way, learning, and politics
poetics of decadence
poetics of decadence
elemental changes
elemental changes
imagining boundaries
imagining boundaries
studies in chinese philosophy and ph...
studies in chinese philosophy and philosophical literature /
ironies of oneness and difference
ironies of oneness and difference
confucianism in context
confucianism in context
religious and philosophical aspects ...
religious and philosophical aspects of the laozi
social circulation of poetry in the ...
social circulation of poetry in the mid-northern song :
search of personal welfare :
search of personal welfare :
tao of the tao te ching
tao of the tao te ching
xu bing and contemporary chinese art
xu bing and contemporary chinese art
taoist experience
taoist experience
inventing china through history
inventing china through history
taoist mystical philosophy
taoist mystical philosophy