SIAM studies in applied mathematics ;

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numerical solution of elliptic problems
numerical solution of elliptic problems
interior-point polynomial algorithms...
interior-point polynomial algorithms in convex programming
methods and applications of interval...
methods and applications of interval analysis
contact problems in elasticity
contact problems in elasticity
lie-bcklund transformations in appli...
lie-bcklund transformations in applications
augmented lagrangian and operator-sp...
augmented lagrangian and operator-splitting methods in nonlinear mechanics
boundary function method for singula...
boundary function method for singular perturbation problems
analytical and numerical methods for...
analytical and numerical methods for volterra equations
mathematical problems in linear visc...
mathematical problems in linear viscoelasticity
linear matrix inequalities in system...
linear matrix inequalities in system and control theory
electro-diffusion of ions
electro-diffusion of ions
solitons and the inverse scattering ...
solitons and the inverse scattering transform
boundary stabilization of thin plates
boundary stabilization of thin plates