mathematics of infinity :
mathematics of infinity :
fundamentals of matrix computations /
fundamentals of matrix computations /
nonlinear oscillations /
geomathematically oriented potential...
geomathematically oriented potential theory /
beginning partial differential equat...
beginning partial differential equations /
foundations of modern analysis /
foundations of modern analysis /
certain number-theoretic episodes in...
certain number-theoretic episodes in algebra /
real and complex analysis /
real and complex analysis /
linear and nonlinear waves /
linear and nonlinear waves /
convexity and optimization in r [sup...
convexity and optimization in r [superscript n] /
revolutions of geometry /
revolutions of geometry /
eigenvalues of matrices /
eigenvalues of matrices /
introduction to mathematical fluid d...
introduction to mathematical fluid dynamics /
introduction to metric spaces and fi...
introduction to metric spaces and fixed point theory /
random matrices
noncommutative geometry and cayley-s...
noncommutative geometry and cayley-smooth orders /
infinite words
time-dependent problems and differen...
time-dependent problems and difference methods /
introduction to homological algebra /
introduction to homological algebra /
generalized inverses of linear opera...
generalized inverses of linear operators :