dynamical systems theory of thermody...
dynamical systems theory of thermodynamics /
analytic theory of global bifurcation :
analytic theory of global bifurcation :
distributed control of robotic netwo...
distributed control of robotic networks :
selfsimilar processes
distributed control of robotic networks
distributed control of robotic networks
chaotic transitions in deterministic...
chaotic transitions in deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems :
self-regularity :
selfsimilar processes /
algebraic curves over a finite field /
algebraic curves over a finite field /
positive definite matrices /
positive definite matrices /
thermodynamics :
traveling salesman problem :
traveling salesman problem :
control theoretic splines :
control theoretic splines :
graph theoretic methods in multiagen...
graph theoretic methods in multiagent networks /
impulsive and hybrid dynamical systems :
impulsive and hybrid dynamical systems :
matrices, moments and quadrature wit...
matrices, moments and quadrature with applications /
wave scattering by time-dependent pe...
wave scattering by time-dependent perturbations :
mathematical analysis of determinist...
mathematical analysis of deterministic and stochastic problems in complex media electromagnetics
genomic signal processing /
genomic signal processing /