Political economy of institutions and decisions

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veto bargaining
veto bargaining
partisan bonds
partisan bonds
votes without leverage :
votes without leverage :
theory of the state :
theory of the state :
institutions and the path to the mod...
institutions and the path to the modern economy :
timber booms and institutional break...
timber booms and institutional breakdown in southeast asia.
political economy of property rights :
political economy of property rights :
economic analysis of property rights /
economic analysis of property rights /
individuals, institutions, and markets /
individuals, institutions, and markets /
perspectives on positive political e...
perspectives on positive political economy /
democratic dilemma :
democratic dilemma :
elbridge gerry's salamander :
elbridge gerry's salamander :
when majorities fail :
when majorities fail :
institutions and the path to the mod...
institutions and the path to the modern economy :
beyond the miracle of the market :
beyond the miracle of the market :
timber booms and institutional break...
timber booms and institutional breakdown in southeast asia /
theory of the state
theory of the state
election timing /
election timing /
social choice and legitimacy
social choice and legitimacy
empirical studies in institutional c...
empirical studies in institutional change /