analysis of longitudinal data /
analysis of longitudinal data /
introduction to model-based survey s...
introduction to model-based survey sampling with applications /
time series analysis by state space ...
time series analysis by state space methods
modelling frequency and count data
modelling frequency and count data
saddlepoint approximations /
saddlepoint approximations /
non-linear time series :
bayesian smoothing and regression fo...
bayesian smoothing and regression for longitudinal, spatial and event history data
queueing and related models /
queueing and related models /
statistical modelling in r /
statistical modelling in r /
time series analysis by state space ...
time series analysis by state space methods /
bayesian smoothing and regression fo...
bayesian smoothing and regression for longitudinal, spatial and event history data /
approximating integrals via monte ca...
approximating integrals via monte carlo and deterministic methods /
measurement, regression, and calibra...
measurement, regression, and calibration /
modelling frequency and count data /
modelling frequency and count data /
estimating functions /
introduction to model-based survey s...
introduction to model-based survey sampling with applications
analysis of longitudinal data /
analysis of longitudinal data /
models for repeated measurements /
models for repeated measurements /
time series analysis by state space ...
time series analysis by state space methods /