Oxford chemistry primers ;

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
electrode potentials /
electrode potentials /
nuclear magnetic resonance /
nuclear magnetic resonance /
chemical instrumentation /
chemical instrumentation /
chemical bonding /
chemical bonding /
organometallics /
organometallics /
crystal structure determination /
crystal structure determination /
surfaces /
surfaces /
biocoordination chemistry /
biocoordination chemistry /
photochemistry /
photochemistry /
nmr spectroscopy in inorganic chemis...
nmr spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry /
organometallic reagents in synthesis /
organometallic reagents in synthesis /
reaction dynamics /
reaction dynamics /
nmr :
nmr :
reactive intermediates /
reactive intermediates /
amino acid and peptide synthesis /
amino acid and peptide synthesis /
atomic spectra /
atomic spectra /
computational chemistry /
computational chemistry /
chemical aspects of biosynthesis /
chemical aspects of biosynthesis /
modern liquid phase kinetics /
modern liquid phase kinetics /
mechanism of reactions at transition...
mechanism of reactions at transition metal sites /