moral philosophy on the threshold of...
moral philosophy on the threshold of modernity /
significance of beauty :
possibility, agency, and individuali...
possibility, agency, and individuality in leibniz's metaphysics /
emotions in hellenistic philosophy /
emotions in hellenistic philosophy /
feminist reflections on the history ...
feminist reflections on the history of philosophy /
common good and self-interest in med...
common good and self-interest in medieval and early modern philosophy
feminist reflections on the history ...
feminist reflections on the history of philosophy
leibniz and the natural world
leibniz and the natural world
aristotle's modal proofs
moral philosophy on the threshold of...
moral philosophy on the threshold of modernity
virtue ethics for women 1250-1500 /
virtue ethics for women 1250-1500 /
ancient philosophy of the self
ancient philosophy of the self
virtue ethics for women 1250-1500
virtue ethics for women 1250-1500
aquinas's philosophical commentary o...
aquinas's philosophical commentary on the ethics :
hume's critique of religion
hume's critique of religion
machines of nature and corporeal sub...
machines of nature and corporeal substances in leibniz
aristotle's theory of abstraction
aristotle's theory of abstraction
structure of being in aristotle's me...
structure of being in aristotle's metaphysics /
leibniz and the english-speaking world /
leibniz and the english-speaking world /