New Middle Ages (Palgrave Macmillan (Firm))

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medievalism, multilingualism, and ch...
medievalism, multilingualism, and chaucer
manmade marvels in medieval culture ...
manmade marvels in medieval culture and literature
excrement in the late middle ages
excrement in the late middle ages
women and economic activities in lat...
women and economic activities in late medieval ghent
fairies in medieval romance
fairies in medieval romance
poet heroines in medieval french nar...
poet heroines in medieval french narrative
rethinking chaucerian beasts
rethinking chaucerian beasts
gender and power in medieval exegesis
gender and power in medieval exegesis
king's bishops :
king's bishops :
representing others in medieval iber...
representing others in medieval iberian literature
drama of masculinity and medieval en...
drama of masculinity and medieval english guild culture
women and disability in medieval lit...
women and disability in medieval literature
vernacular and latin literary discou...
vernacular and latin literary discourses of the muslim other in medieval germany
king and the whore
king and the whore
chaucer's feminine subjects
chaucer's feminine subjects
market power
market power
strange beauty
strange beauty
literary subversions of medieval women
literary subversions of medieval women
women and experience in later mediev...
women and experience in later medieval writing
antimercantilism in late medieval en...
antimercantilism in late medieval english literature