applied scanning probe methods xiii
applied scanning probe methods xiii
fundamentals of friction and wear on...
fundamentals of friction and wear on the nanoscale
theoretical modeling of inorganic na...
theoretical modeling of inorganic nanostructures
theory of semiconductor quantum devices
theory of semiconductor quantum devices
graphene nanoelectronics
biological responses to nanoscale pa...
biological responses to nanoscale particles
theoretical modeling of inorganic na...
theoretical modeling of inorganic nanostructures
applied physics of carbon nanotubes
applied physics of carbon nanotubes
applied scanning probe methods xii
applied scanning probe methods xii
noncontact atomic force microscopy.
noncontact atomic force microscopy.
scanning probe microscopy
scanning probe microscopy
semiconductor nanostructures
semiconductor nanostructures
magnetic microscopy of nanostructures
magnetic microscopy of nanostructures
epitaxy of nanostructures /
epitaxy of nanostructures /
integrated nanoelectronics
integrated nanoelectronics
anisotropic nanomaterials
anisotropic nanomaterials
silicon quantum integrated circuits
silicon quantum integrated circuits
physics of quantum rings
optical generation and control of qu...
optical generation and control of quantum coherence in semiconductor nanostructures
2d nanoelectronics