NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,

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nonlinear waves: classical and quant...
nonlinear waves: classical and quantum aspects
frontiers of optical spectroscopy
frontiers of optical spectroscopy
theory of chemical reaction dynamics
theory of chemical reaction dynamics
optics in astrophysics
optics in astrophysics
role of vlbi in astrophysics, astrom...
role of vlbi in astrophysics, astrometry and geodesy
decoherence, entanglement and inform...
decoherence, entanglement and information protection in complex quantum systems
photopolarimetry in remote sensing
photopolarimetry in remote sensing
forces, growth and form in soft cond...
forces, growth and form in soft condensed matter: at the interface between physics and biology
spectroscopy of emerging materials
spectroscopy of emerging materials
computational noncommutative algebra...
computational noncommutative algebra and applications
learning from nature how to design n...
learning from nature how to design new implantable biomaterials
quasi-optical control of intense mic...
quasi-optical control of intense microwave transmission
advanced experimental methods for no...
advanced experimental methods for noise research in nanoscale electronic devices
conversion of liquid rocket fuels
conversion of liquid rocket fuels
hydrogen materials science and chemi...
hydrogen materials science and chemistry of carbon nanomaterials
effects of space weather on technolo...
effects of space weather on technology infrastructure
topics in analysis and its applications
topics in analysis and its applications
computer simulations of liquid cryst...
computer simulations of liquid crystals and polymers
multiscale processes in the earths m...
multiscale processes in the earths magnetosphere: from interball to cluster
microscale heat transfer
microscale heat transfer