Mind Association occasional series

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wittgenstein's tractatus
wittgenstein's tractatus
connectionism, concepts, and folk ps...
connectionism, concepts, and folk psychology /
leviathan after 350 years
leviathan after 350 years
strawson and kant /
strawson and kant /
foundations of logical consequence /
foundations of logical consequence /
reason and nature :
reason and nature :
emergence in mind
emergence in mind
legacy of alan turing /
legacy of alan turing /
philosophical perspectives on depiction
philosophical perspectives on depiction
morality of defensive war /
morality of defensive war /
empiricism, perceptual knowledge, no...
empiricism, perceptual knowledge, normativity, and realism
identity and modality /
identity and modality /
spheres of reason
spheres of reason
metaphysics and science
metaphysics and science
thick concepts
thick concepts