Library of ethics and applied philosophy ;

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putting responsible research and inn...
putting responsible research and innovation into practice
personal and moral identity /
personal and moral identity /
ways of being bound: perspectives fr...
ways of being bound: perspectives from post-kantian philosophy and relational sociology
reflective equilibrium :
reflective equilibrium :
importance of assent
importance of assent
rethinking virtue ethics
rethinking virtue ethics
repugnant conclusion
repugnant conclusion
towards a sustainable philosophy of ...
towards a sustainable philosophy of endurance sport
rationality, virtue, and liberation
rationality, virtue, and liberation
time, life & memory
time, life & memory
ethical reasoning in forensic science
ethical reasoning in forensic science
tales of research misconduct
tales of research misconduct
how to think about progress
how to think about progress
empirically informed ethics
empirically informed ethics
biotechnology debate
biotechnology debate
responsibility and punishment /
responsibility and punishment /
responsibility and punishment /
responsibility and punishment /
ethics of proportionate punishment
ethics of proportionate punishment
new perspectives on paternalism and ...
new perspectives on paternalism and health care
moral beliefs and moral theory /
moral beliefs and moral theory /