Lecture notes in statistics,

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copulae in mathematical and quantita...
copulae in mathematical and quantitative finance :
design of experiments in nonlinear m...
design of experiments in nonlinear models :
multivariate reduced-rank regression
multivariate reduced-rank regression
time series models
time series models
ccomputation of multivariate normal ...
ccomputation of multivariate normal and t probabilities
optimal mixture experiments
optimal mixture experiments
branching processes and their applic...
branching processes and their applications
space, structure and randomness
space, structure and randomness
probability approximations and beyond
probability approximations and beyond
bilinear regression analysis
bilinear regression analysis
advances and challenges in space-tim...
advances and challenges in space-time modelling of natural events
inference on the hurst parameter and...
inference on the hurst parameter and the variance of diffusions driven by fractional brownian motion
permutation tests for stochastic ord...
permutation tests for stochastic ordering and anova
multivariate nonparametric methods w...
multivariate nonparametric methods with r
dependence in probability and statistics
dependence in probability and statistics
modeling and stochastic learning for...
modeling and stochastic learning for forecasting in high dimensions
nonparametric monte carlo tests and ...
nonparametric monte carlo tests and their applications
semi-markov chains and hidden semi-m...
semi-markov chains and hidden semi-markov models toward applications
copula theory and its applications
copula theory and its applications
optimal experimental design
optimal experimental design