Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems,

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artificial economics and self organi...
artificial economics and self organization
collaborative planning in supply cha...
collaborative planning in supply chains :
bubbles and crashes in experimental ...
bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets
lectures on inequality, poverty and ...
lectures on inequality, poverty and welfare
partner choice and cooperation in ne...
partner choice and cooperation in networks
new insights into the theory of giff...
new insights into the theory of giffen goods
income modeling and balancing
income modeling and balancing
advanced mathematical methods for ec...
advanced mathematical methods for economic efficiency analysis
generalized bounds for convex multis...
generalized bounds for convex multistage stochastic programs
consumption structure and macroeconomics
consumption structure and macroeconomics
decision making and knowledge decisi...
decision making and knowledge decision support systems
cooperative lot sizing games in supp...
cooperative lot sizing games in supply chains
relational supply contracts
relational supply contracts
new developments in multiple objecti...
new developments in multiple objective and goal programming
option pricing in fractional brownia...
option pricing in fractional brownian markets
sports leagues scheduling
sports leagues scheduling
managing safety of heterogeneous systems
managing safety of heterogeneous systems
stochastic implied volatility :
stochastic implied volatility :
core of economies with asymmetric in...
core of economies with asymmetric information /
strategic trading in illiquid markets
strategic trading in illiquid markets