Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana,

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moduli of curves
moduli of curves
hilbert functions of filtered modules
hilbert functions of filtered modules
quantum physics and geometry
quantum physics and geometry
phase change in mechanics
phase change in mechanics
nonlocal diffusion and applications
nonlocal diffusion and applications
smooth bezier surfaces over unstruct...
smooth bezier surfaces over unstructured quadrilateral meshes
hyperfinite dirichlet forms and stoc...
hyperfinite dirichlet forms and stochastic processes /
regularity of the one-phase free bou...
regularity of the one-phase free boundaries
elementary symplectic topology and m...
elementary symplectic topology and mechanics
ideals of powers and powers of ideals
ideals of powers and powers of ideals
homological mirror symmetry and trop...
homological mirror symmetry and tropical geometry
transport equations and multi-d hype...
transport equations and multi-d hyperbolic conservation laws
hyperbolic systems to kinetic theory
hyperbolic systems to kinetic theory
elliptic regularity theory
elliptic regularity theory
zeta functions over zeros of zeta fu...
zeta functions over zeros of zeta functions
birational geometry of hypersurfaces
birational geometry of hypersurfaces
evolution equations of von karman type
evolution equations of von karman type
the geometry of some special project...
the geometry of some special projective varieties