Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences,

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geology and mapping of granite batho...
geology and mapping of granite batholiths /
dynamics of multiscale earth systems
dynamics of multiscale earth systems
applied turbulence modelling in mari...
applied turbulence modelling in marine waters
new aspects of mesozoic biodiversity
new aspects of mesozoic biodiversity
coastal erosion
coastal erosion
recent developments on debris flows
recent developments on debris flows
process modelling and landform evolution
process modelling and landform evolution
hierarchical coordinate system for g...
hierarchical coordinate system for geoprocessing and cartography
dynamics of multiscale earth systems /
dynamics of multiscale earth systems /
dawn angiosperms
dawn angiosperms
the earth's core to outer space
the earth's core to outer space
phase equilibria in metamorphic rocks :
phase equilibria in metamorphic rocks :
methods and applications of inversion
methods and applications of inversion
hierarchical coordinate system for g...
hierarchical coordinate system for geoprocessing and cartography
radiogenic isotope geochemistry of s...
radiogenic isotope geochemistry of sedimentary and aquatic systems
coastal erosion :
coastal erosion :
the way to component-based 3d/4d geo...
the way to component-based 3d/4d geoinformation systems
new paradigms in subsurface prediction
new paradigms in subsurface prediction
methods and applications of signal p...
methods and applications of signal processing in seismic network operations
new paradigms in subsurface prediction :
new paradigms in subsurface prediction :