International studies in human rights ;

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human rights and disabled persons :
human rights and disabled persons :
protection of the right to education...
protection of the right to education by international law :
preventive detention and security law :
preventive detention and security law :
human rights related trade measures ...
human rights related trade measures under international law :
international law on the rights of t...
international law on the rights of the child /
margin of appreciation doctrine in t...
margin of appreciation doctrine in the dynamics of european human rights jurisprudence /
essays on the developing law of huma...
essays on the developing law of human rights /
discrimination and toleration :
discrimination and toleration :
seeking asylum :
seeking asylum :
social issues, globalisation and int...
social issues, globalisation and international institutions :
cultural human rights /
cultural human rights /
immunities and the right of access t...
immunities and the right of access to court under article 6 of the european convention on human rights /
security council and the protection ...
security council and the protection of human rights
landmark rulings of the inter-americ...
landmark rulings of the inter-american court of human rights on the rights of the child :
human rights protection in the field /
human rights protection in the field /
reservations to un-human rights trea...
reservations to un-human rights treaties :
admissibility of human rights petiti...
admissibility of human rights petitions :
legal nature of international human ...
legal nature of international human rights /
group rights and discrimination in i...
group rights and discrimination in international law /
justifications of minority protectio...
justifications of minority protection in international law /