fuzzy stochastic multiobjective prog...
fuzzy stochastic multiobjective programming
quantitative models for performance ...
quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking
linear programming
computational probability
computational probability
hydropower economics
extension of data envelopment analys...
extension of data envelopment analysis with preference information
multi-criteria approach for decision...
multi-criteria approach for decision support
rankings and decisions in engineering
rankings and decisions in engineering
supply chain management in manufactu...
supply chain management in manufacturing and service systems
decision making for enhanced health ...
decision making for enhanced health security
machine learning for practical decis...
machine learning for practical decision making
multiple criteria decision making by...
multiple criteria decision making by multiobjective optimization
strategy and performance of knowledg...
strategy and performance of knowledge flow
multicriteria location analysis
multicriteria location analysis
managing innovation inside universities
managing innovation inside universities
ai-ml for decision and risk analysis
ai-ml for decision and risk analysis
data engineering
postponement strategies in supply ch...
postponement strategies in supply chain management
markovian demand inventory models
markovian demand inventory models