Information security and cryptography,

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efficient secure two-party protocols
efficient secure two-party protocols
design of rijndael
design of rijndael
guide to internet cryptography
guide to internet cryptography
cryptography in constant parallel time
cryptography in constant parallel time
practical signcryption
practical signcryption
introduction to cryptography
introduction to cryptography
computer security and the internet
computer security and the internet
theory of hash functions and random ...
theory of hash functions and random oracles
lll algorithm
lll algorithm
advanced statistical steganalysis
advanced statistical steganalysis
protocols for authentication and key...
protocols for authentication and key establishment
computer security and the internet
computer security and the internet
complete guide to scion
complete guide to scion
tutorials on the foundations of cryp...
tutorials on the foundations of cryptography
hash function blake
hash function blake
cryptography made simple
cryptography made simple
science of quantitative information flow
science of quantitative information flow
novel techniques in recovering, embe...
novel techniques in recovering, embedding, and enforcing policies for control-flow integrity
operational semantics and verificati...
operational semantics and verification of security protocols
secure data deletion
secure data deletion