Global environmental accords

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
effectiveness of international envir...
effectiveness of international environmental regimes :
banking on the environment
banking on the environment
global environmental diplomacy :
global environmental diplomacy :
international relations and global c...
international relations and global climate change
global governance :
global governance :
global environmental diplomacy
global environmental diplomacy
global accord
global accord
environmental regime effectiveness :
environmental regime effectiveness :
transnational politics of the enviro...
transnational politics of the environment
intentional oil pollution at sea :
intentional oil pollution at sea :
institutional interaction in global ...
institutional interaction in global environmental governance :
engaging countries
engaging countries
business of global environmental gov...
business of global environmental governance /
institutional dimensions of environm...
institutional dimensions of environmental change :
global accord :
global accord :
implementation and effectiveness of ...
implementation and effectiveness of international environmental commitments
global environmental assessments
global environmental assessments
institutions for the earth :
institutions for the earth :
adaptive governance :
adaptive governance :
environmental impacts of globalizati...
environmental impacts of globalization and trade